Do you still need 3 estimates if you have been in a car wreck? In today’s insurance world, ALL WRITE INSURANCE says 3 estimates are rarely used.
Whether you are having your insurance company or the other guy’s insurance company repairs your vehicle, the insurance company prepares the estimate. They normally have you come to their location, inspect the damage and give you a paper estimate. You in turn take the estimate to the repair shop of your choice. If the repair shop is not in agreement with the estimate, the repair shop calls the insurance company and works out the differences.
This is a much easier process and leaves the insurance consumer out of the grind of getting their vehicle repaired. One, the consumer does not have to take the time to get 3 estimates and two; they don’t have to hassle over the estimate if a couple of parts were missed.
We hope you never have to suffer the inconvenience of having an auto accident. But if you do, ALL WRITE INSURANCE knows you will find this procedure much easier.